
Hello my lovelies, it is your Astrology Diva here again to talk about on this auspicous day,  triskaiadekaphobia, or the fear of Friday the 13th.  

Now I’m not going to lie to you dears the diva, yes me, had a full fledged fear of Friday the 13th. I wouldn’t go to school, I would make arrangements so I wouldn’t have to work on Friday the 13th, if at all possible I wouldn’t get out of my house unless I absolutely had too! So sad and admittedly pretty foolish.  

So what changed my mind? How did I drop the phobia of Friday the 13th?  A couple of things. One I thought it was kind of silly to use up my PTO or (Paid Time Off) on something so trivial when I could use it on something big! Like a vacation, or in case I really got sick. (Which by the way I did thanks Janee) Oh did I throw some shade and drink some tea? LOL! The other reason for my epiphany was when Madonna’s “Ray of Light” album came out. My favorite of hers. Inspired by her newfound faith in Kabbalah; she purposefully put 13 songs on the album because in Kabbalah 13 is considered a lucky number.

Speaking of the power of numbers in numerology which I have been studying, when you break down 13 meaning 1 plus 3 it will equal 4. As it turns out I am a life path 4 so 13 can’t be that bad. 

What I hope you all take away from this whether you have this phobia or not, is don’t give something power over your life. I can’t believe there was a time that I wouldn’t leave the house because of a day on the calendar. Don’t let this be you. Until next time XOXO.





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