
      Hello my lovelies. It’s me Orianna the Astrology Diva! I’ve been gone for a minute now I’m back. This the time of retrograde’s and so I thought this is the appropriate time to reconnect with all of you.

You may have noticed that this the first time in the history of doing my blog that I have introduced myself by my name. Well I’m revamping my blog as well as my image and am going to tell part of the reason why I hadn’t been blogging as much as I had didn’t have so much to do astrologically, as much as I just needed to step away and take care of some personal issues.

     Nothing serious I just felt the need to recharge my batteries and live life and find out what makes me happy again. Writing and doing astrology and connecting with people makes me happy and I’ve really missed it. I’ve missed you! I know that the energy has been chaotic, the air, ( especially where I live) is hazy, Smokey, just downright toxic at times. August for some reason is just a hard month. While reading back on some of my previous blogs around this time last summer there were five planets in retrograde. By golly this summer we have five planets again in retrograde. Ha you can’t make this stuff up!

My advice is still hold off if you can, on signing any contracts, don’t do any crazy diets or hairdos ( that’s good advice anyway lol)  however if you want to go back and redecorate, redo, revamp, basically anything that has a re in front of it have at it! Stay calm. The craziness will go away. Try to do things that do make you happy. Life is to short. Until next time XOXO